Data security is a critical concern that becomes more pronounced with every passing month. As the global business landscape evolves, it is pertinent to pay attention to the emerging trends that are likely to pose a significant threat to your company’s data security.

To that end, we’ll highlight the top 10 data security threats that you need to be aware of on the horizon.

Our Top 10 List

  1. Insider Threats: The risks of insider threats are predicted to increase in the near term as the workforce becomes more mobile and remote. Insider threats can occur when employees intentionally mishandle data, which can result in significant damage to your organization.
  2. Artificial Intelligence Malware: With the rise of artificial intelligence, malware is also getting smarter and more efficient. AI malware can easily bypass traditional detection methods, making it difficult to detect and mitigate in real-time.
  3. Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware designed to lock a computer system until a ransom is paid. The cost of ransomware attacks is enormous, and it’s predicted to continue to increase in the near term.
  4. Cloud Vulnerabilities: Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT industry, but with this advancement comes significant security risks. As your business data moves to the cloud, your data’s protection is only as good as the cloud provider’s security protocols. However, deploying Smart Locks will help secure your data while using cloud-based platforms.
  5. Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS): DDoS attacks have been around for years, but they continue to be a significant threat. Such an attack can cause a website to become unavailable to its users.
  6. Phishing Attacks: Phishing attacks are social engineering attacks designed to trick people into divulging sensitive information. A successful phishing attempt can result in stolen passwords or credit card information.
  7. Social Engineering: Social engineering attacks are designed to take advantage of human vulnerabilities and psychology to gain unauthorized access to a system or information.
  8. IoT-Based Attacks: As more and more devices get connected via the Internet of Things (IoT), there is a growing risk of these devices being compromised. IoT-based attacks can result in data theft or even physical damage.
  9. Mobile Device Security Vulnerabilities: Mobile devices are increasingly becoming a target of malicious actors. A compromised mobile device can give hackers access to data, contacts, and other sensitive information.
  10. Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): APTs are sophisticated, multi-layered attacks designed to gain long-term access to a system or data. APTs often use a combination of social engineering techniques and malware to achieve their objectives.

While technology continues to evolve, there are still some simple measures you can take to secure your organizations’ data. One of these measures is by using Smart Keeper port locks, network locks, and data blockers. These physical security solutions provide an added layer of protection against data breaches that are prevalent in the digital world.

Maintaining a Strong Security Posture

It’s no secret that data security threats are increasing in frequency and severity. To stay ahead of these threats, businesses need to take proactive measures to safeguard their data. The use of physical security measures such as Smart Keeper locks, network locks, and data blockers can add an extra layer of protection to your organization’s data.

Employing these and other best practices are essential in ensuring that your organization’s critical data is kept secure against all known and emerging threats . With a strong security posture, your business can be confident in its ability to keep its valuable data safe from data breaches and cyber-attacks.