The Human Factor: Reason #1 to Lock Your Data Ports and Connectors
A comprehensive report of cybersecurity threats entitled, “The Human Factor,” asserted that “people-centered threats define the landscape.”
Get Physical with Cybersecurity
Corporate executives’ approach to cybersecurity is like forgetting about Newtonian physics when we began to learn about the quantum field or focusing on a proliferation of string theories while forgetting that apples fall down.
How PC Security Hazards Exploded – and How to Secure Them
Are we doing enough to protect our ubiquitous open ports, especially when the cost of protecting these ports is so inexpensive?
Sounding the Alarm Against Open USB Ports
Without effective USB port security, every USB port in your data network or information system is an open invitation to malware, ransomware, and viruses.
The Top Security Breaches of 2019 – and What It Means to Us
The sheer variety of data breaches in 2019 causes us to conclude that no sector of the cybersecurity perimeter should remain unguarded.
It’s Not Information Until It Is Shared – Safely
While the current COVID-19 pandemic has put the world’s attention on a human virus, the threat of computer viruses remains real.
A Cost-Effective Solution to Protecting Your Data
It's easy to overestimate how secure a workspace really is. Experience shows that in the workplace, computer theft is very often overlooked.
Guarding the Central Nervous System of the World
We have become utterly dependent on data. And yet, for the vast majority of systems, the physical points of access to our data networks remain unguarded.
The Myriad Facets of Computer System Security
Most cybsersecurity solutions are designed to react to an incursion, rather than to prevent it, leaving the billions of data ports and connectors unguarded.
Taming the Wild, Wild World of Cybersecurity
There is remarkably little consensus on reliable sources for cyber defense. Rarely has so much been invested with so little assurance of knowledge?
When It Comes to DIKW, It’s Never Easy to Get Smart
The pyramid of Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom (DIKW) has become a critical element for defending against network contamination and sabotage.
The Simple USB Flash Drive is Not So Simple After All
Widespread are the daily breaches in which authorized personnel thoughtlessly charge or sync their personal mobile device through a USB port at work.